The Shire of Dumbleyung requires that a Building Permit be issued prior to the erection of a dwelling or additions to existing dwelling, grouped dwelling or additional dwelling and the enclosing of any verandah /carport/patio/garage to convert such space into a habitable room.
The specifications, materials, location and orientation of the proposed structures must comply with the requirements of the current National Construction Code (NCC) and the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes).
DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL is required in addition to a Building Permit. Council's prior planning consent
(DA Development Approval,) is required for the following:
Guide to Building Approvals Process
Most common, single dwelling home is a Class 1a, shed/car port is as Class 10a,
swimming pool or fence is a Class 10b.
Note: Mandatory for Building Class 1b and 2 to 9.
Guide to lodging a Certified Building Permit Application.
Shire of Dumbleyung Application for Building Permit Envelope - ALL relevant sections of the form must be completed including; the signature of all owner’s, builder and applicant.
Attach a copy of the approved Planning Consent.
Completed and signed ‘Application for Building Permit – Certified’ (BA1), accompanied by a ‘Certificate of Design Compliance’ (BA3) signed and issued by a registered Building Surveyor.
For Building Class 1a and 10 (a, b & c)
Guide to lodging a Certified Building Permit Application.
Completed and signed ‘Application for Building Permit – Uncertified’ (form BA2);
Shire of Dumbleyung Application for Building Permit Envelope - ALL relevant sections of the form must be completed including; the signature of all owner’s, builder and applicant.
Record of Certificate of Title, including sketch of block and easements.
Energy Efficiency Assessment and lighting calculations.
Certificate of Home Indemnity Insurance or Cover Note is or will be provided prior to the granting of a Building Permit, only required when the estimated construction value exceeds $20,000.
Owner/s wishing to construct a dwelling or dwelling addition as an Owner-Builder exceeding $20,000 in estimated construction value must get an Owner-Builder approval from the Building Commission.
Plans to be presented to and approved by the Western Australia Water Corporation.
Certified Termite Treatment System in accordance with AS3660.
On-site waste water disposal (where Water Corporation Sewer in not provided) a ‘Application to construct or install an apparatus for the treatment of sewage’ must be submitted to, and approved by Council’s Environmental Health Officer.
BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) assessment and report if located in a Bushfire Prone Area.
Minimum Requirements for Building Plans and Specifications.
(Two copies are to be provided and drawn to Draftsperson standard)
Working Drawings (to a scale not less than 1:100) showing
A plan of every storey
All elevations of external fronts
One section, transverse or longitudinal
Wet area layouts
The heights of each storey
Depth of foundations
Floor levels
Levels of the ground
Construction of the walls, floors and roofs
Site plan (to a scale not less than 1:200) showing
Street names, lot number and title reference to the site with the North point clearly marked
The size and shape of the site
The dimensioned position of the proposed new building and of any existing buildings on site
The relative levels of the site with respect to the street or way adjoining
The position and size of any existing sewers and existing storm water drains
The position of street trees, if any between the site and the roadway
Specifications describing materials to be used in the construction and, where not indicated on the drawings, the sizes thereof
Engineering design details eg. Footings, strutted beams, bulkheads, corner windows and large opening details.
For single residential dwellings the Shire of Dumbleyung requires a front setback of 7.5m subject to any allowances afforded by the R-Codes.
An R-Code density of R12.5 is prescribed for single residential developments in the townsite.
Side and rear boundary setbacks are:
1.0m for walls with no major openings and that are less than 9m in length and less than 3.5m in height;
1.5m or more for walls with major openings that are more than 9m in length and above 3.5m in height.
For grouped dwellings the Shire of Dumbleyung requires a front setback of 6.0m subject to any allowances afforded by the R-Code.
An R-Code density of R25 is prescribed for grouped dwelling development in the townsite.
All applications for grouped dwellings must address the requirements of the R-Codes including
Minimum lot area per dwelling
Front, side and rear building setbacks
Standard of retained dwelling where additional grouped dwelling(s) proposed
Open space provision
Site coverage and plot ratio
Privacy and overlooking of adjoining property
Vehicle access and car parking
On-site storage facilities
Finished floor and ground levels
Retaining walls
The Shire of Dumbleyung requires that a Building Permit be issued prior to the erection of an outbuilding, patio, pergola, carport or garage. The specifications, positioning and materials for proposed structures must comply with the requirements of the current National Construction Code (NCC) and the Residential Design Codes.
DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL is required in for any single outbuilding greater than 55m2 (to a maximum of 75m2) in an area within the single residential zone requires Council's prior planning consent (DA Development Approval,) PRIOR to obtaining a Building Permit.
Outbuildings - A non-habitable, roofed building or structure enclosed on more than half of its perimeter.
Patio - An open sided structure enclosed on no more than half of its perimeter with a roof cover impervious to water and used for outdoor entertainment.
Pergola - As above, however roof is not impervious.
Carport - An unenclosed, roofed structure designed to accommodate a motor vehicle. Carports are entirely open at the front, sides and rear except where one side is physically attached to a dwelling, or build to a boundary.
Garage - Any roofed structure, other than a carport designed to accommodate more than one vehicle.
The Shire of Dumbleyung requires all applications for new Outbuildings, Patio’s, Pergola’s, Carport’s and Garage’s or extensions to include the following information
Shire of Dumbleyung Application for Building Permit Envelope - ALL relevant sections of the form must be completed including; the signature of all owner’s, builder and applicant
If applicable, attach a copy of the approved Planning Consent
Completed and signed ‘Application for Building Permit – Certified’ (BA1), accompanied by a ‘Certificate of Design Compliance’ (BA3) signed and issued by a registered Building Surveyor
OR a,
Completed and signed ‘Application for Building Permit – Uncertified’ (form BA2)
Owner/s wishing to construct a dwelling or dwelling addition as an Owner-Builder exceeding $20,000 in estimated construction value must get an Owner-Builder approval from the Building Commission
BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) assessment and report if located in a Bushfire Prone Area
Minimum Requirements for Building Plans
(Two copies are to be provided and drawn toDraftsperson standard)
A site plan (to scale not less than 1:200) showing
Street names, lot number and north point clearly marked
The size and shape of the site
The dimensioned position of proposed new building and of any existing buildings on the site
The position and size of any existing sewers and existing storm water drains
The position of any services or trees between the site and the roadway
Drawings (to scale not less than 1:100) including
Floor plan showing all dimensions
All elevations
One section, transverse or longitudinal (discretion applied)
Connection details of all structural members and anchorage to footings showing materials to be used and their respective sizes, spans and spacing’s Note: where spans exceed 6.0 meters, plans are to be verified as in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications or certified and signed in ink by a Structural Engineer
Construction of the walls, floors and roofs
The setbacks for outbuildings are determined in accordance with the R-Codes.
An outbuilding with a wall length greater than 9.0m is generally required to be located 1.5m from a side or rear boundary, otherwise an outbuilding may be located 1.0m from a side or rear boundary.
Reduced setbacks of outbuildings shall be subject to adjoining neighbour consultation and an R-Codes “Codes Variation Approval”.
An approval for a nil rear setback for an outbuilding, where such property abuts a right of way, may be granted subject to an R-Codes “Codes Variation Approval” where vehicular access width of 6.0m is afforded.
An outbuilding shall not be located in front setback area.
An outbuilding shall be setback 1.5m from any other secondary street boundary to which the site has a frontage.
Patios/carports/pergolas shall generally be setback of 1000mm from the side and rear boundaries of a property in accordance with the R-Codes.
Posts may be located up to the boundary, however the roof sheet/gutter is to be maintained at a minimum 500mm from a side or rear boundary in accordance with the BCA.
Patios/carports/pergolas with their posts located up to the boundary with their roof sheet/gutter at 500mm minimum from the boundary will generally be subject to consultation with and agreement from adjoining property owners and planning approval from Council.
A patio/pergola shall not be located in front of the building line from a street boundary to which the site has its main frontage.
Carports may be located forward of the front building line in accordance with the provisions of the R-Codes and subject to obtaining planning approval from Council.
Applications for patios that are unusually large (>50m2), close to boundaries (<1000mm) or impact on adjoining owners due to a difference in ground levels between the two adjoining properties will also be subject to consultation with adjoining property owners and an R-Codes “Codes Variation Approval”.
Garages shall be setback a minimum 4.5m from a street boundary to which the site has its main frontage. Reduction of this setback may be granted in accordance with the provisions of the R-Codes and subject to obtaining planning approval from Council.
Where required in order to obtain planning approval or an R-Codes “Codes Variation Approval”, consultation with adjoining property owners must be undertaken and include
Copy of proposed plans, signed by the adjoining property owners; and
Statement to the effect that they have no objection to the proposal; or
Details of their objection to the proposal
Under the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997, a local government can
consider applications to occupy a caravan or camp on private land
Can I camp on my own land?
Is there an existing dwelling on the block?
YES: If you have an existing dwelling on the site and you are able to use the washing, toileting and laundry facilities then YES you can camp for a period of up to 28 days without a permit.
If you intend to camp for more than 28 days in one year you will require a permit. Permits are subject to conditions.
NO: If there is no existing dwelling on the block, under the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997, a person may only camp up to 5 nights in any period of 28 consecutive days on land the person owns or has legal rights to occupy.
For more that 5 nights in an period of 28 consecutive days, the person has to seek written approval from the Shire of Dumbleyung.​
The Shire may approve the person camping on the land for a period specified in the approval not exceeding 24 consecutive months, subject to conditions.​​
Can I camp on my own land while I build a dwelling?
If you intend to camp while building, a building permit will be required and a private building surveyor should be contacted to discuss this option (please note, no more than 6 months will be approved for the camping permit).
How many caravans can be on the land?
A person who owns or has legal rights to occupy the land, as defined in the Planning and Development Act 2005 section 4(1), is to ensure that —
(a) not more than one caravan is being used to camp on the lot at any one time; or
(b) where more than one caravan is being used to camp on the lot at any one time, he or she has written approval under subregulation (2) and is complying with that approval.
For more details view the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997