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Every Monday for the month of August 2023 we advertised the Bushfire Preparedness Month campaign on our Instagram. See tips and information on how you can be Bushfire Ready!


Questions to consider:

1. Do you have a household Bushfire Plan?

2. Are you prepared for this fire season?

3. Have you planned your Firebreaks? Due 18th October 2023


Bushfire Plan App.png
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My Bushfire Plan App
Apple Store
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My Bushfire Plan App
Google Play

Be Bushfire Ready is a message supported by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and the Shire of Dumbleyung to increase the resilience to bushfire risk in our community because, during a bushfire, firetrucks may not be available to protect every home. This means residents and homeowners need to be responsible for their own safety.

Essential Information in Case of a Bushfire


Where to Begin a Bushfire Emergency Plan

  • Download the 'My Bushfire Plan' app to your smart phone.

  • Use DFES resources to help you prepare your plan.

  • Sit down with pen and paper and write a clear Bushfire Emergency Plan.

  • Meet your neighbours and develop support networks.


How to Become Bushfire Ready?

  • Learn how to prepare and protect your family and property from bushfire.

  • Develop a Bushfire Plan(External link).

  • Learn about bushfire warnings and alerts.

  • Know what to expect from Emergency Services during a bushfire.



Contact Us

Phone: 08 9863 4012

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
8.30am - 4.30pm
Licensing: 9.00am - 4.00pm

Postal Address

PO Box 99

  • Facebook
  • Instagram


Corner Harvey & Dawson Streets

Copyright @ 2017 Shire of Dumbleyung. All rights reserved

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