How to Enrol in Family Day Care
Currently there are two providers for Family Day Care in our shire who over see the operations of the four Day Care Educators. For this reason when enrolling your child we may require two very similar enrolment forms to be completed to ensure flexibility with coverage and service. To enquire or request information on vacancies, please contact the Shire office on:
9863 4012.
If you wish to enrol, please download and complete the above forms for Great Beginnings and Willy Wagtails. Please ensure you complete all sections and information excluding the educators names as the office will complete that for you.
Documentation is required to support the enrolment forms. Please include the following when submitting your enrolment forms:
Official Immunisation History Statement from the Medicare website that you can obtain through your myGov account.
Childs Birth Certificate.
Please submit completed enrolment forms and supporting documentation to the shire office or by emailing shire@dumbleyung.wa.gov.au.
Child Care subsidy rates may be applicable to you - read more here: https://www.dese.gov.au/early-childhood