St John Ambulance Sub Centre
Address: 30 Harvey Street
Dumbleyung CRC
Address: 28 Absolon Street
Dumbleyung Swimming Pool
Address: 14 Absolon Street
Dumbleyung District Club/Bowling Club
Address: 20 Harvey Street
Dumbleyung Ag Supplies
Address: 6 Bennett Street
Dumbleyung Roadhouse
Address: Lot 40 Absolon Street
The G.O.D.I Hotel
Address: 1 Bartram Road
Stubbs Park - Oval Side of Pavilion (Tennis Club)
Address: Bahrs Road
Dumbleyung & Districts Men's Shed
Address: 33 Bartram Road
St John Ambulance Sub Centre
Address: 33 Manser St
Kukerin General Store
Address: 25 Scaddan Street
Kukerin Pistol Club
Address: Lot 171 Kukerin South Road
Kukerin Nenke Park Oval
Address: Bath Street
Kukerin Golf Club
Address: 776 Merilup Road, South Kukerin
Bunge Grain Services Kukerin
Address: Lot 52 Dumbleyung-Lake Grace Road

Lake Dumbleyung Yacht/Sailing Club
Lake Dumbleyung Ski Club
Dumbleyung Lake View Golf Club

Help us find you in an emergency
Over 200,000 Western Australians have downloaded the app which also contains a number of other resources, including:
Dial 000 and the St John First Responder App sends your GPS coordinates to the operator when you select the "Dial 000" feature, speeding up the time it takes to confirm your location and dispatch and ambulance.
First Aid Toolbox provides a A to Z guide to help you to treat a range of injuries and illnesses, including a CPR Metronome that provides you with visual and audio cues to aid the timing of chest compressions.
Defibrillator (AED) locator showing all the defibrillator locations near you.
You can also upload the location of any new defibrillator (AED) locations that aren't currently appearing on the app.
Locate nearest medical centres and emergency departments - including live ED waiting time information.
Patient transport booking services.
Transfer Services include:
A wheelchair service for clients who require mobility support.
A stretcher service for non-ambulant people or clients.
a multi patient transfer service from the South West to Perth metropolitan area.
Community Transport Service
A car service for mobile clients who may need transportation within their community. This can include hospital and specialist appointments.
A companion service for clients who would like a member of the St John team to wait with them during their appointments.
Your Courses information and refresher reminder notices can be recorded including booking for new courses and refreshers such as first aid training.
​First aid tips and special offers keeps you up to date with handy first aid information.
​St John First Responder is a free app and available on Apple’s App Store and Google Play. You can find out more about how to use the app in our First Aid Responder App Guide.
Help others in an emergency situation
The St John First Responder app allows qualified first aiders in Western Australia to sign up and become a registered first responder. If a nearby emergency occurs (in a public place within 500 meters), you will be notified and given the opportunity to assist until the ambulance arrives.
To become a first aid responder, you will need to provide evidence of having completed a first aid course within the last three years. Minimum qualification level of HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We now offer the ability to become a BASIC level first responder in the app, by uploading your Photo ID.