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Council Meetings

Council Meetings are held on the third (3rd) Thursday of every month unless otherwise notified. 


The Agenda will be made available the Friday prior to Council Meetings.  Copies will be available at the Shire Administration Office, can be downloaded online and perused in the Shire's Libraries in Dumbleyung and Kukerin.


Historic or previous Agendas and Minutes not available on the website can be requested from the Shire Administration Office located on Harvey Street.


Public Question Time


If you wish to address the Council, you may do so during Public Question Time at the beginning of the meeting. 


Should you be requiring a detailed response, it is recommended that you advise the Chief Executive Officer of your intended questions, at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.


(1)  A member of the public who raises a question during question time is to state his or her name and

(2)  A question may be taken on notice by the Council or Committee for later response.
(3)  When a question is taken on notice under sub-clause (2) a response is to be given to the member of the

      public in writing by the CEO, and a copy of the response is to be distributed to all members.
(4)  At the discretion of the presiding person a question may be required to be put in writing.


Public Question Time Form



If you wish to submit a petition to Council, there are rules contained within Council’s Standing Orders that should be followed for the tender to be effective. A petition, in order to be effective, is to:

(a) be addressed to the President;
(b) be made by electors of the district;
(c) state the request on each page of the petition;
(d) contain the names, addresses and signatures of the electors making the request, and the date each

     elector signed;
(e) contain a summary of the reasons for the request;
(f)  state the name of the person upon whom, and an address at which, notice to the petitioners can be given;
(g) be in the form prescribed by the Act and Local Government (Constitution) Regulations 1996 if it is;
     (i) a proposal to change the method of filling the office of President;
     (ii) a proposal to create a new district or the boundaries of the Local Government;
     (iii) a request for a poll on a recommended amalgamation;
     (iv) a submission about changes to wards, the name of a district or ward or the number of Councillors for a

           district or ward.


If you require assistance with this, you can get in touch with the office.


Presentations and Deputations


Any member of the public may during the Presentations section of the Ordinary Meeting, speak on any matter provided that:


(1) A deputation wishing to be received by the Council or committee is to apply in writing to the CEO who is

     to forward the written request to the President, or the presiding member as the case may be.
(2) The President, if the request is to attend a Council meeting, or the presiding member of the committee, if

     the request is to attend a Council meeting, may either approve the request, in which event the CEO is to

    invite the deputation to attend a meeting of Council or committee as the case may be, or instruct the CEO

    to refer the request to the Council or committee to decide by simple majority whether or not to receive

    the deputation.
(3) A deputation invited to attend a Council or committee meeting;
    (a) is not to exceed five persons, only two of whom may address the Council or committee, although

         others may respond to specific questions from the members; and
    (b) is not to address the Council or committee for a period exceeding 15 minutes without the agreement

         of the Council or the committee as the case requires.
(4) Any matter which is the subject of a deputation to the Council or a committee is not to be decided by the       
Council or that committee until the deputation has completed its presentation.​


A person or persons wishing to be received as a deputation by the Council is to apply in writing, to the CEO, not less than seven (7) working days prior to the meeting at which the deputation wishes to be received, setting out in concise terms the matter to be raised.  


Council Meeting Dates for 2024


In accordance with the Local Government Act and Regulations, notice is given that Ordinary Council Meetings will be held in 2024 on the following dates:


8 February 2024

21 March 2024

18 April 2024

16 May 2024

20 June 2024

18 July 2024

15 August 2024

19 September 2024

17 October 2024

21 November 2024

19 December 2024


All meetings will commence at 3.30pm. 


Meetings will be held in the Council Chambers, Harvey Street, Dumbleyung.


Should there be any special meetings or a change to the above dates it will be advertised accordingly.

Contact Us

Phone: 08 9863 4012

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
8.30am - 4.30pm
Licensing: 9.00am - 4.00pm

Postal Address

PO Box 99

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Corner Harvey & Dawson Streets

Copyright @ 2017 Shire of Dumbleyung. All rights reserved

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