The objective of the Dumbleyung Landcare Committee is to inspire the sustainable management and development of the Dumbleyung Landcare and its Catchment's resources for the benefit of current and future generations through coordination and education.
This is to be done by:
Encouraging land users to adopt good sustainable management practices through dissemination of research information and education of current and effective management practices suitable for the Shire.
Seeking funding for the implementation of landcare and sustainable activities for the Shire (including research where needed) and assisting the land user within the Catchment to achieve this goal.
Encourage and assist land users to arrest salinity and land degradation by providing them with best management practice guidelines, current research data and offering on site inspection.
Overseeing the Landcare Plan for the Zone and ensure the promotion and extension is beneficial to the landholders.
Initiate and promote profitable increases relating to farm management practices, landcare and environmental activities via field days, demonstrations projects, workshops and extension activities for the land user and wider community.
Working in cooperation with Local, State and Federal Government and Private Agencies for the betterment of sustainable land use.
Arranging the collection, collation, evaluation and dissemination of research and monitoring data specific to the Shire.
Encouraging people living in the Dumbleyung Shire to be involved in farm and catchment planning, water and soil monitoring to achieve improved financial and sustainable outcomes in the short and long term on and off farm.
Encouraging community members to conserve, protect and re-establish native flora and fauna through providing education tools and encouraging the use of the two local Herbariums for the benefit of the Community to recognise the flora and fauna and understand its importance to preserve.
Providing the means to allow the Landholders to carry out effective weed and feral pest control.
Promoting the importance of ecological issues within the Shire.
Promoting the vision, goals and activities of the Local and Regional Landcare/Environmental Bodies that all interact for the betterment of the Shire.
Contact Us to Get Involved:
The Landcare Manager works from the Landcare Office at 18B Absolon Street.
Office hours are 8am to 5pm five days a week.
Email: dumblsc@gmail.com
Chairperson Todd Gray on 0429 986 410
ZONE Committee:
Chairperson: Todd Gray. PO Box 46. Dumbleyung. WA 6350.
Treasurer: A Representative from the Shire.