Ranger Steve ph: 0458 769 661
Pets are welcome in the Shire of Dumbleyung, and by observing a few guidelines and working with the Shire of Dumbleyung, you can enjoy your pets safely and securely. In an effort to maintain the amenity of the area, the Shire of Dumbleyung has Local Laws controlling the keeping of animals, birds and poultry within the townsite. If you wish to keep animals from cats and dogs to horses or poultry and birds, please contact the Shire of Dumbleyung for further information. Please also see links at the bottom of this page for further information including Dog Registration Forms.
Registering and michrochipping your dog is compulsory and the following rules set out in the Dog Act 1976 must be followed:
Your dog must be registered with the Shire of Dumbleyung once it is 3 months old and keep it registered.
Attach the registration tag and a name tag with your name, address and phone number to your dog's collar.
When outside your property, keep your dog on a leash at all times.
Pick up after your dog if it defecates on the footpath or verge.
Dogs can be registered at the Shire Administration Office.
Renewals are sent out in October each year.
The following dogs are deemed to be dangerous:
Argentinian Fighting Dogs
Brazilian Fighting Dogs
Japanese Tosas
American Pit Bull Terriers
Pit Bull Terrier Breeds
Any dog of a mixed breed that visibly contains any of the above named breeds.​
Owners of Dangerous Dogs MUST:
Display the dangerous dog sign on all entrances to the property.
Have a dangerous dog collar on their animal at all times.
Muzzle and leash dogs when outside the property.
Be over 18 years of age.
It is proven that regularly exercising and training your dog helps reduce boredom, barking, digging, aggressive behaviour and increases sociability. The Shire of Dumbleyung encourages dog owners to exercise their dogs in the dog exercise areas located at Reserve 26634, Bartram Street Dumbleyung, Reserve 15882, corner of McKenzie and Wallis Street Moulyinning and Reserve 15948 corner of Collier Street and Scaddan Street Kukerin. For more information please contact the Shire Administration Office.
The Shire of Dumbleyung may seize dogs found in public places and not held on a leash. The Ranger may enter private property to seize a dog which has been wandering at large. Dogs can be destroyed if unable to be caught or involved in an attack.
Infringements can be imposed upon owners of dogs not complying with the Dog Act 1976. Any of the infringements can be issued to the dog owner even if the dog has not been caught by the Ranger, so long as it has been sighted committing the offence by the Registered Officer. Please refer to the Dog Act 1976, Dog Regulations 2013 and the Shire of Dumbleyung Dogs Local Law 2022 for a list of possible infringements.
Current legislation allows for property owners to keep a maximum of two dogs within a townsite. In some circumstances, residents may wish to keep more than the prescribed number; however, approval from Council is required.
3.2 Limitation on number of dogs
2) The limit on the number of dogs which may be kept on any premises is, for the purpose of section 26(4) of the Act, 2 dogs over the age of 3 months and the young of those dogs under that age.
a) 2 dogs over the age of 3 months and the young of those dogs under that age if the premises are situated within a townsite; or
b) 6 dogs over the age of 3 months and the young of those dogs under that age if the premises are outside a townsite.
Shire of Dumbleyung - Dog Registration Form
Application for a Certificate of Registration
Shire of Dumbleyung - Dog Owners Brochure
Important Information for Dog Owners
Shire of Dumbleyung - Dogs Local Law 2022
Fact Sheet from Department of Local Government
Best Practice Guideline from Department Local Government
Identification, Investigation and Handling of Nuisance Dogs
Department of Local Government Brochure
Laws for Responsible Dog Owners
Shire of Dumbleyung Health Local Law 2022 - Keeping of Animals and Birds, Large Animals, Poultry and Pigeons, Piggeries