Robert & Daphne McIntyre Citizenship Award

Photo: Mrs Emma McIntyre & Mr Donald McIntyre
The Robert & Daphne McIntyre Citizenship Award came into existence because of the generosity of Robert & Daphne McIntyre. The award is to further develop the youth of the Dumbleyung Shire so that they may contribute actively to both the future of the Shire and play an active role in the support of the Shire.
In August 2008, Robert McIntyre wrote to the Dumbleyung Shire Council with a proposal for an annual award in the form of a student scholarship donated every year by Robert & Daphne McIntyre. The aim of the award is to assist the award recipient with education related expenses.
The creation of the award recognises the pioneering work done by Robert McIntyre's parents and grandparents who first arrived in the Dumbleyung District in 1908, and the contribution that they made to the community's early development.
In October 2008 a committee was established to work with Robert & Daphne McIntyre and over the ensuing months, a selection criteria and Memorandum of Understanding were developed. One year after Robert McIntyre first contacted the Shire of Dumbleyung, the inaugural Robert & Daphne McIntyre Citizenship Award process was carried out.
The presentation of the award is made each year at the December Council Annual Christmas Dinner and the award consists of:
A certificate presented to the recipient.
A cheque presented to the recipient of $3,500.
The inscription of the name of the award recipient on an honour board which is displayed at the Shire of Dumbleyung Administration Office.
Selection Criteria & Applications
The Robert & Daphne McIntyre Citizenship Award is open to any student from years 10 to 12 whose primary place of residence is in the Shire of Dumbleyung or their parent/guardians are ratepayers to the Shire of Dumbleyung.
The application period will commence on 1 June each year and will end on the middle Friday of the end of term two school holidays. Interviews will be held on the final Friday of the end of term two school holidays. Online interviews can be arranged, however the value and experience of a face to face interview is important and preferred.
The Selection Panel will judge the candidates on two (2) major elements:
a) Quality of written application.
b) Their presentation at the interview and their approach to the questions asked at the interview.
The successful recipient will agree to send in writing to the Selection Panel by 30 June the year after receiving the award, a letter or email acknowledging the support of the McIntyre Family with a detailed explanation of the following:
a) What the funds were spent on; and
b) An explanation of how winning the Robert & Daphne McIntyre Citizenship Award has benefited them and how it will make an impact on their future.
Information about the Selection Criteria
To complete an application for the award you need to tell us about yourself. To do this you will need to address the selection criteria by providing written detailed examples of ways in which you demonstrate the following qualities.
In your detailed answer you must assume that the reader of the interview panel has no prior knowledge of who you are or what you have achieved, please elaborate on your achievements.
When choosing the successful applicant, the information you include in this application and selection criteria below is considered together with your interview. It is essential that the information you provide is clear. as it may not be possible to interview all applicants and therefore, addressing the selection criteria thoroughly could be crucial to gaining selection for an interview.
Your selection criteria responses are the most important part of your application. Responses must be a maximum of 300 words per criteria and all must have a response. Responses may be either typed or handwritten and submitted with the application.
Selection Criteria
1. Leadership: e.g. takes responsibility, sets an example to others.
2. Energy: e.g. shows spirit, initiative and enthusiasm.
3. Enterprise: e.g. shows resourcefulness in school, community or home life.
4. Participation: e.g. does voluntary work in and for the community.
5. Work Ethic: within the school and home life.
6. Scholastic Ability: demonstrates strength in chosen learning pathway.
Application Form & Further Details
To access the Robert & Daphne McIntyre Citizenship Application Form please click on the link below or contact the Shire of Dumbleyung on 9863 4012.
2024 Application Form
Previous Recipients
A Special Thank You
2023 celebrated 15 years of the McIntyre Family donating towards the Robert & Daphne McIntyre Citizenship Award, with a total of $39,500 presented to worthwhile recipients over the span of the 15 years from 2009 to 2023.
To celebrate this occasion, and to commemorate and recognise this outstanding contribution to the youth of the Shire of Dumbleyung from the McIntyre Family, a video montage was prepared and presented to the McIntyre Family at the Annual 2023 December Christmas Dinner.
A special thank you to the McIntyre Family, for your generous contribution to the youth of the Shire of Dumbleyung, your generosity has not gone unnoticed.
Thank you also to all the previous recipients of the award for taking the time to send in your video message which has been collated into the final video montage for the McIntyre Family below.