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Are you running a home-based


Of late the shire has been reviewing it's Town Planning Scheme in conjunction

with our Town Planner which has prompted a timely reminder for small businesses

to check they are approved under our Town Planning Scheme.

The state government has rules in place to ensure that the amenity of different

areas are protected, consumers are protected and businesses who must invest significant amounts of money into meeting the requirements are protected.

This means that if the residents' activity involves a commercial transaction of any sort, even if they consider it a ‘hobby’; under the planning scheme they will need to talk to a town planner.

If the business/hobby involves food, you will also need to meet the health requirements. There are currently no residential kitchens approved in the shire. For more information on residential kitchen requirements contact the Environmental Health Officer, Phillip Swain on 0402 798 996 or for alternatives (E.G. Town Hall kitchen hire) contact the Shire of Dumbleyung admin on 9863 4012.

If you want to try running a business, you can talk to us about some low-risk initiatives to assist in staying compliant and getting started. Current initiatives the Shire has to help small businesses/hobbies are the Mini Mall, cooking from Town Halls, and if you are looking at providing a service but don’t have a place to operate from we are keen to hear from you!

CONTACT: For more information please contact the Shire Admin on 9863 4012 or who can help you with your compliance to ensure your business/hobby meets our Town Planning Scheme.

Business Local Services

Business Local – FREE advice and support for your small business
Whether you’re just starting out with a small business idea or looking to expand, grow or solve a specific challenge, Business Local at RSM can help you on your journey to business success.

Willy Regan - Business Advisor 

RSM Australia Pty Ltd
0439 634 566

1800 249 562



I'm Alert - Food Safety Training

Are you currently working in food preparation individually, as a community group, have a food business or are thinking of starting a food business? Introducing our new "IM ALERT" Food Safety Training!


The training provides food handlers with the required legislative requirements for a food business.


Start Training:


Am I a Business or a Hobby?

Explores the differences between a hobby and a business,
indicates how to determine whether you are in business
outlines what it means to be in business.


Useful Link:





 Legal Essentials for Business

One of the first things you need to know when you're starting out is what laws apply to your new business. As a small business owner, you'll know that being legally compliant relies on being aware of rules and regulations.

You may wish to consult a legal professional for advice on what you must comply with, such as licences and registrations, contracts and leases.

Keep on top of these laws below to ensure your business stays legal 

Contact Us

Phone: 08 9863 4012

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
8.30am - 4.30pm
Licensing: 9.00am - 4.00pm

Postal Address

PO Box 99

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Corner Harvey & Dawson Streets

Copyright @ 2017 Shire of Dumbleyung. All rights reserved

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